Virgo Daily Horoscope
Feb 12, 2025

*** Check out the restrictions of today's Moon Alert, and avoid important decisions. Likewise, avoid shopping except for food and gas. You're still keen to work hard and be productive; nevertheless, interruptions and goofy errors might trip you up. Hang in there.
Previous readings
Tuesday, February 11
*** Your work routine will be interrupted today for a number of reasons. Staff shortages, power outages, broken equipment, computer glitches and surprise events are just some possibilities. Pet owners should know that this is an accident-prone day for your pet. Be vigilant.
Monday, February 10
*** Although you might feel more social this morning, later in the day you might want to cocoon or seek some privacy so that you have time by yourself. (Just what you want to do.) You might do further thinking about shared property and financial matters. Romance is on your mind.
Sunday, February 9
***** This is an excellent day to join forces with others to get things done. People will welcome your energy and drive because nothing will be too much trouble. Your aim will be to finish what you begin and achieve your objectives. You'll be an excellent team player.
Saturday, February 8
**** Look for opportunities to relax or socialize with others today because this is an easy-going day. Don't try to do too much, even though you have an urge to be productive. This is the classic day to relax and enjoy yourself. Tackle small jobs. Do something to replenish yourself.
Friday, February 7
**** Once again, you are noticed today. In fact, some people know personal details about your private life. Nevertheless, this is a productive day for you as well as an upbeat day. Get as much done as possible because this will make you feel good. Ask for help if necessary.
Thursday, February 6
***** You made a great impression on others today, especially if you have to deal with larger groups. You will find it easy to establish a rapport with others, which is why this is a great day for public relations work or sales. Work-related travel is likely.
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