Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Feb 12, 2025

*** Travel plans might be interrupted today. Likewise, anything to do with writing a paper, finishing a manuscript or studying schoolwork might also be hard to stick with because things are loosey-goosey and erratic. Pay attention because this is a mildly accident-prone day.
Previous readings
Tuesday, February 11
*** Pay attention to everything you say and do because this is an accident-prone day for you. No question. On the upside, your mind might have some genius-like, innovative ideas. Many of you will see new places, meet new faces and encounter detours. Stay grounded. Stay sensible.
Monday, February 10
**** You are the traveller of the zodiac, and today you feel the need for a change of scenery because you want adventure and stimulation. Enjoy socializing with romantic partners. Sports and fun activities with kids will also appeal.
Sunday, February 9
**** You will make great strides if you have to talk to someone about shared property, shared resources or even differing values. This is because today you have the patience to wade through details; plus, the patience to listen to someone else's point of view. You have lots of mental energy.
Saturday, February 8
*** Although this is a relaxing day for many, you're keen to get outside and do something. You'll enjoy talking to others, especially siblings, relatives and neighbours because this is a lovely day to socialize. Outdoor activities with kids or sports events will be excellent choices.
Friday, February 7
*** Despite some difficulties or increased responsibilities at home; nevertheless, this is a positive day in terms of communicating to others. Look for ways to see new places and meet new faces. New ideas will intrigue you because you want to learn something fascinating. Travel if possible.
Thursday, February 6
**** You have to cooperate with others today because the Moon is opposite your sign. Fortunately, this will be easy to do so because everyone is in a positive frame of mind. This is a great day to teach or learn. It's a strong day for those in sales, marketing, teaching, acting and writing.
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