Daily Horoscope - Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Avoid shopping or important decisions from 4 PM to 5:30 PM EST today (1 PM to 2:30 PM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus.

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Moon Alert
Avoid shopping or important decisions from 4 PM to 5:30 PM EST today (1 PM to 2:30 PM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus.
The Stars Rate Your Day
5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
Aries (March 21-April 19)
** You will need to be patient today, especially if you have difficulty dealing with your kids or a romantic partner. Power struggles are likely. In fact, later in the day, power struggles about money or something that you own might also arise. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
** This afternoon the Moon moves into your sign, which gives you a little edge over all the other signs. A little bit of luck. Nevertheless, power struggles with parents and authority figures are likely. Therefore, give these people a wide berth. Don't even go there.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
*** Money squabbles with a friend or a group might occur today. Whatever happens, might make you feel disgruntled in a quiet way. You feel you can't speak up now but your disappointment is still there - simmering beneath the surface of things. Hey, this is gone by tomorrow. Relax.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
*** Conversations with bosses, parents and authority figures are difficult, especially this morning. As the day wears on, it doesn't get easier because power struggles with friends and members of groups might occur in the afternoon. Is there no mercy?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
** Avoid pointless arguments or debates about politics and religion today because they will resolve nothing. In the afternoon, likewise, power struggles with a parent or boss will also gain you nothing. Think about what your long-term objective is. Stick with that.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
** Avoid financial squabbles or discussions about different values. We all have different values in subtle or big ways, in the same way as we have different appetites for different things. Don't get hung up on this. Avoid controversial subjects today. (You'll be glad you did.)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
*** Today you might find yourself at odds with partners, close friends, parents and bosses, especially this morning. Try not to get involved. Ironically, later in the day, you might be also at odds with kids about finances or how to share or divide something. This is a challenging day!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
*** Take the high road at work this morning if you have difficulty with someone, especially someone from another culture or a country. Everyone is having communication difficulties this morning. Ironically, this afternoon, partners and close friends might disagree with you. "Whaat?" It's the truth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
** Financial disputes or disputes about who is responsible for what might occur today, especially related to your kids. Possibly these disputes will arise with a romantic partner? Later in the day, work squabbles, which are really power struggles might also occur. Run away!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
** Do what you can to keep the peace at home this morning because family squabbles can ruin everyone's day. Ironically, in the afternoon, powerful exchanges with your kids or a romantic partner might be challenging, as well. It's one of those days. We all have them.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
*** Pay attention to everything you say and do today because this is a mildly accident-prone day for you. An accident doesn't have to happen but you could be distracted because of an argument or angry feelings. Later in the day, family power struggles might take place. (Yikes!)
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
*** Do what you can to keep the peace when dealing with your kids today. Ditto for important discussions with romantic partners. Perhaps disgruntled feelings are what leads to difficulties dealing with daily contacts later this afternoon? All of this is temporary. This angst is gone by tomorrow. Relax.
If Your Birthday Is Today
Actor Jeremy Renner (1971) shares your birthday today. You are cheerful, affectionate, loyal and generous. You have empathy for others, which is why you are cherished by friends and family. This year you reap the benefits of your hard work! Expect power and leadership. Awards, kudos and acknowledgements will come your way. Bravo!
Find more Georgia Nicols horoscopes at georgianicols.com.
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